9 Reasons Why Employees Leave Companies
February 2, 2022

As an employer of choice, you would measure employee engagement and satisfaction and take action to address critical areas of concern. When employees know you listen, care, and will respond to their feedback, they choose you.

In most instances, employees leave because they lack a meaningful working relationship with an immediate supervisor.

Many of these reasons are within the manager’s control, yet when we interview managers and ask why their people departed for another organization, the most frequent response given is a higher salary.  Most times, the managers state that they had no hope of keeping the employee from jumping ship because they had no control over matching the employee’s higher salary offer. When we interview employees who leave, it’s a different story. Most employees who leave organisations receive a higher salary, but the increase is surprising: The average salary increase is approximately 10-15%.


When asked why employees begin searching for a new job, the following responses were given most frequently:

1.   The employee feels there is little potential for career development.

2.   The employee is ready for a more challenging position or a new experience. 

3.   The employee seeks better compensation and benefits.

4.   The supervisor or manager does not value the employee’s contribution or appear to care about the employee.

5.   The supervisor does not provide sound, ongoing communication to the employee.

6.   The supervisor does not provide the employee with performance feedback.

7.   The supervisor is late on the performance appraisal.

8.   The supervisor fails to provide the employee with clear direction.

9.   The supervisor treats the employees disrespectfully.

Ask yourself this question: If you loved your job and your boss really valued your contributions, would you risk all that to go to work for another organization for just a 10% increase in salary? When employees answer this question, most think about it momentarily and then say, “No”.

In most instances, people leave because they lack a meaningful working relationship with an immediate supervisor; it’s not the money. The stronger the relationship is, the lesser role money will play when an employee considers leaving the company for a competing offer.

Your Talent Partner,
Asenath van den Berg
Director – ASIE Personnel

“Passionate about enhancing lives and growing companies”.