10 Interview Questions every Manager should ask
February 2, 2022

Hiring the right talent for the right roles is critical for business.

After having gone through the candidates CV with them, it’s important to have a list of competency interview questions you can go through with the candidate to measure their competencies against your job requirements.

Here are 10 interview questions every Manager should be asking during an interview and why. 

  1. Take me through your most recent position and what you do on a daily basis? Understanding their current role and experience.
  2. What do you enjoy the most and least about your current position? How does this align to the position they applied for?
  3. Describe a highly pressurised/challenging situation you recently encountered and how you handled it? Measures ability to deal with pressure, solution orientation, deadline management.
  4. What have you done in your current role that has set you apart from your peers? Going the extra-mile, achievements, solution orientation.
  5. What motivates you? What will drive this person, useful for incentives.
  6. How do you like to be managed? Will this person be compatible with the current management style, independent vs micro-management.
  7. What are your key Strengths? What this person is good at.
  8. What are you key Weaknesses? Possible training requirement – probe what training will you require should you be given this specific job opportunity.
  9. How do you deal with disappointments and adversity? Flexibility and Adaptability.
  10. Why are you specifically interested in this role within our organisation? Interest – Researched the role and your organisation.

These questions should give you as a Manager a clear understanding of this person. Add in role related questions and you will be able to identify the best person for your job vacancy.

“Passionate about enhancing lives and growing companies”.


BOOK YOUR MANAGERS ON TRAINING:  Interview Skills Training for Managers